Introduce yourself

Hi y’all !
I’m darneld I am 18 and I would like to be a trader forex cause I love that. I also want to be free financially.

to be financially free from Forex trading is possible of course but before that first of all you have to be experienced by learning .

Sure ! I want to learn.

learning is really important in trading life , but any kind of learning can be useless if you do not practice in a proper way. so focused on practice as well besides learning.

have you visited the psychology of school of this forum ? this is really informative and primary stage for beginners level.

Welcome to the community! I think a lot of us have that goal, I hope to see you around here from time to time. :grin:

Being financially free is not having to worry about money…

i have seen the learning approach most of the time works to fail , when there is no regular level of practice.

Welcome to the community, Darneld. Take your time in acquainting yourself with the foundational knowledge you will need to trade. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Babypips is an excellent platform for learning about forex trading. It must be used to improve your knowledge and expertise. It will undoubtedly benefit you as a trader.