Introducing me!

Hi I am a total newbie and I am excited to start a new career trading Forex. Why now ? Because I am at a time in my life where I need a career and one that I can potentially make some serious money and make my two daughters proud of me. I don’t get to see them often bc of financial difficulties and would love to just make enough to be able to provide for myself and have a home where my daughters can come visit me with their children and be comfortable and actually come visit me.

This is a very long term career goal I’m afraid with trading. Best to align your expectations early on. Get learning and practicing at times of the day you are likely to be free to trade moving forward and set good habits. Learn to love the process as most of us come in for money but quickly learn it’s a poor motivator long term.

You wont succeed unless you detach your mindset from making money. Learn how to protect you capital at all time and let the rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

Best of luck.

Hey @MissAllisonMac11 , how are you doing? Essentially we’ve all got similar goals and need money to achieve them. I wish you the best of luck. It is definitely possible. Just learn to be profitable and the money will follow. If you need any advice, just ask.