Introducing Myself as a Trader - Godspower Utibe

Dear Babypips Community,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. My name is Godspower Utibe, and I am thrilled to be joining the Babypips community as a trader.

Trading has always captivated my interest, and I am eager to dive into the world of financial markets, chart patterns, and trading strategies. While I may be new to the trading scene, I am determined to learn, grow, and build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.

My journey into trading is driven by a strong desire to achieve financial independence and create a prosperous future for myself and my loved ones. I firmly believe that trading offers tremendous opportunities for personal and professional growth, and I am committed to putting in the necessary effort and dedication to succeed.

I am particularly interested in exploring the forex market, as it provides an exciting and dynamic trading environment. However, I am also open to learning about other markets and asset classes that can contribute to my overall trading knowledge and strategy.

As a newbie trader, I understand the importance of connecting with experienced traders and learning from their valuable insights. I am here to absorb as much knowledge as possible, embrace different perspectives, and engage in meaningful discussions with the supportive community here at Babypips.

I am eager to embark on this journey alongside all of you, exchange ideas, share experiences, and celebrate our achievements as we progress in our trading endeavors. Please feel free to reach out to me with any advice, tips, or resources that you believe would be beneficial for a trader starting out.

Thank you for welcoming me into the Babypips community. Together, I believe we can navigate the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and reach new heights in our trading aspirations.

Wishing you all profitable trades and abundant success!

Best regards,

Godspower Utibe

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What a meaningful introduction, Godspower! :blush: Welcome welcoooome! :smiley: I think it’s a great that you have realistic expectations, and that you understand that forex isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme unlike what’s usually advertised on social media. :sweat_smile: I think that will already put you on the right track. Have you already checked out the school here? :blush: If you ever have any questions or if there’s anything confusing for you, just ask away! :smiley:


Welcome GU

Very much welcome G. You can check out the School of pipsology for the basics.

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Welcome. You’ll have really great experiences here. :+1:t2:

Welcome to the community! We’re all about supporting each other in this journey, so you’ve come to the right place. See you around and good luck!

Welcome to the community, Godspower. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

And be mindful that this approach will take up a huge chunk of your lifestyle over several years which could also affect your loved ones. When it comes to the crunch It’s just not easy to be able to succeed in your venture, as now understood by 85% of losing traders who have blown their accounts.

I would recommend that you focus on learning how to protect your account and let any rewards take care of themselves. Such protection includes developing a profitable strategy on a demo account, including a fixed process and following it for every trade. Discipline, patience and low risk exposure is critical, as is learning ZEN to detach your muindset from the emotional challenges you will face when trading live.

Two books I would recommend: The Zen Trader - Peter Castle and The:Psychology of Trading -Jason Jankovsky.

Best of luck on your progress.

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