Introducing myself Further

Ho there. My name is Val, and I’m entirely new to both Forex and Babypips. I’m 18 turning 19 in a month, I’m still in school (Although I’m probably spending too much time reading about Fx rather than doing work), and I love video games and to become a vlogger.

Recently a cousin from mine introduced me to both Forex and Babypips and I’m very glad he did. I’ve discovered a passion for Forex over the past month and I absolutely love learning about it. There’s a lot more to Forex than I originally thought (and I like that), so I’m going to stick with it and perhaps one day make some moneys out of it.
I still have a bit of a way to go before I even start trading a demo account seriously, and even longer til I start making some money off Forex, so I’m going to take it slow and learn as much as I can until I know I’m ready.

And I’d just like to mention that the Babypips community is probably the best and most helpful community I’ve ever encountered on the internet. I’m excited to learn, and I know that the wonderful people here are here to help.

Thanks guys!

Welcome to the community

Welcome , you in the right place lots of good guys here that will help
Kind Regards

Hi @val_dalidr22 on BP :slight_smile: wish you many pips :slight_smile: Regards Greg

Welcome here

Welcome you, you can choose from a range of resources and build your trading skills with free online courses. Hope this is helpful for you.

Starting young! :smiley: Good for you. :blush: Welcome to the community, Val! :smiley: I hope you enjoy it here. :slight_smile:

Way to go, nice to hear your story

Nice plan! Welcome to the community and hope to see more of you here. :blush: Good luck!