Introducing myself, hello

Hey everyone! I’m Sabrina, aka Sunshine. I’m new to the forex market, but so looking forward to learning everything I can about it. I’m here because I need to make money. I know this is not a get rich quick thing, but it will be worth the time!

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If you’re here to make money you first have to learn how not to lose it. That could take months, even years of hard work. I suggest you take it easy, one step at a time, see if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle while practising on a demo account.

Start by constructing a plan here is a link: TIPS On How To Create The PERFECT Forex Trading Plan - YouTube

Welcome. Certainly is worth the time developing a strategy. My advice is not to jump in the deep end, open a demo account, develop a strategy and when you are profitable long term, then think about going live.

Good luck!