Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!!
My name is Enoch Guina, I am from Papua New Guinea and I’m very new to fx trading and I’ve heard about the forex trading just recently and it sounds interesting to me so I decided to try it out. I am hoping to learn a lot from it and and do my best with it too, to achieve the highest level of forex trading.

Hi Enoch! Welcome and good luck on your way, remember to ask questions and work hard to learn as much as u can about trading.

this place is really good to learn Forex trading , i hope you will be knowledgeable from this trading place . happy trading .

Very interesting name! :blush: Forex definitely won’t be a walk in the park. It might take weeks, months, or even years before you become successful. But I hope you’re determined enough to see it through! :blush: Good luuuck!

i hope you already got the exact answer , feel free to ask any problem you have , this community is very friendly

i think you should read more article about basic trading first of all , then you can choose the psychology of school with a practice account.