Introducing myself

Hello everyone am Stephen. I am a complete newbie in forex trading and I wish to learn from like-minded people have been learning forex for about 8 months now.

My reasons for getting into trading are;
The flexibility: I can trade where ever I am in the world
I don’t have have to work for someone.
The high volume of liquidity in the market etc.

I think I really love it and I want to unlock my full potentials in trading that’s why I intend to learn in any possible way

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I wish you a successful trading journey! :hugs:

Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile:

Hello this is Maya.
I have just been in this trade for about six months.
If you ask me why, I would respond that I needed more free time and that I wasn’t made to be a clerk and should instead be working for myself.

Welcome Stephen! Enjoy the free trading materials here. Remember to be consistent on your efforts to learn and be patient in this journey. Good luck!

Hi all.
I’m new to your forum and hope I enjoy it here.

hello everyone. am johnson maluki from kenya
am very new to forex trading and i wish to learn more and b a pro since i got a lot of free time.

Welcome Stephen! Congratulations on your 8-month journey in forex trading so far. Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences. The community is here to support you on your journey.

Welcome PhilippeV! We’re all here to learn and have a great time together. Good luck!

Hey Johnson! Welcome! Learning forex trading and aiming to become a pro is a great goal, especially when you have plenty of free time to dedicate to it. Wishing you the best on your journey to becoming a pro trader!

Welcome to the community, @Stephenforex_akembom. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community, @PhilippeV. You’ll definitely enjoy it here. Are you new to trading too or just new in the community?

Welcome to the community, Johnson. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Thank you very much

I am new to your community. I have experience in trading, but I’m not a pro yet. I’ve already found interesting topics along the way.
Good luck to all!

Got it. Same here. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hello forumites. I am happy to join your community.
Have a nice day, everyone.

Welcome to the community @PMazza86 ! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

Hey guys.I am a newbie in forex and i do not know where to start feel really clustered. But i am will to learn

Hi all.
I don’t have much experience in trading and I hope to get some trading advice on this forum.
Thank you.