Introducing Myself

Just finished all the lessons in the school of crypto found my way here. Welcome me to the school of pipsology :chart_with_downwards_trend::bar_chart:

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Welcome gregdanx

How did you find the course? I’ve competed the Forex version rather than the Crypto version and found it an excellent starting place to learn all the basics. However, it probably helped that I completed 3-4 other courses before hand!

Welcome to the community! Congratulations on your crypto school progress, and happy learning!

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welcome to the community.
Only game teaches the game, so do the live trading as soon as possible.

Welcooooome! :blush: Good job finishing the school here. :smiley: Haha. If you don’t mind sharing, how long did it take you? :smiley: The journey’s just beginning so good luuuuuck!

Welcome brother and good luck with those trades! Remember, always place your stop loss!

Congrats on completing the crypto lessons! Welcome to the exciting School of Pipsology! You’ve got the learning spirit, and I’m sure you’ll rock this journey too.

Welcome to the community, @gregdanx. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

The crypto school made me understand alot about the blockchain tech, I was really hoping to learn how to trade cryptos. Seems like the forex course is the real deal. But it was nice knowing the basics of crytpo and blockchains and how things work behind the scenes.

A week, for the crypto school.

Thank you…

I’ll do that, thanks

Ok, but how do I demo trade though? I wanna practice while learning.

You’re welcome. Good luck on your trading journey.