Hi, my name is Stephen from Sweden.
I have been on many different trading courses since 2013. Lost a lot of money and now there was a large fraud against me. I want to learn for real and build my life again, after it is now destroyed. Also help other. To give back I believe is the way. I will. See you in the forums, and write if you want my friendship on this journey
You’re welcome here Stephen! Do well to check the Babypip’s courses on School of Pipsology to get you started & always feel free to ask any questions
Warm Regards,
Welcome @StephenTrader to the BP.
Can you explain what that fraud was?
Welcome to the community mate.
Enjoy your journey.
Hey @StephenTrader
Welcome to the BP.
Tell us more about your trading journey.
Hello Stephen!Sorry to hear about the challenges you’ve faced in your trading journey. You’re in the right place to learn, hope everything goes well this time. We’ll be looking forward to your contributions and your friendship. See you around!
Well, that is too general. Can you give more details?
Looking forward to the progression. Cheers!
I am still in great chock and sad, so I rather tell about it later.
Lost some too but mostly thanks to Celsius. Was yours related to companies like Celsius/FTX/Luna?
Flyswap.vip, many hundred thousand’s
Welcome Stephen! Take your time learning and I hope all goes well for you this time.
Its like this, but no romance, only friendship
Oh this sounds like something that happened to @ria_rose!
Hi, Stephen! It’s a pity hearing that you have faced certain fraud in the trading sphere, but remember that negative experience is also experience, and sometimes it’s even way more valuable. Everything can’t be as smooth as butter.
Hope you won’t give up and continue achieving the goals you have set, because it’s very important to remain mentally tuned, and meet your fears face to face to let them understand you are not afraid of them.
Feel free to communicate with us here, guys around here will do their best to help.