Introducing myself

Hi all, my name’s John, I’ve been trading Forex for 9 years. I started out by doing the babypis school of pipsology and threw myself into trading.

I know have my own blog detailing every decision I make in the direction market, my goal is to help as many traders as possible.

It’s a long and difficult road to consistent profits but if you dedicate yourself and never give up, it’s very achievable.

Feel free to ask anything. Every question is valid. I’m pretty sure I’ve probably wondered it myself at some point.


Hi John! It’s great to have you here :slight_smile: Can’t wait to hear more about you.

Welcome to the community, John.

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please guidde mme just finish babypips am wondering. about strategyy

Welcome back! Looking forward to your contributions.

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Welcome to the community John, do you have discord? I’d be happy to chat with you and share a bit of my trading experience.

What is the one lesson you’ve learned in these 9 years of trading?

Accepting losing trades was single greatest issue I had. It took me a long time to overcome.

The realisation a losing trade doesn’t mean it was a bad decision. Very often fresh events out of your control stop a trade out.

Every trade I take, I ask myself the question:
If this trade stops out, would I still think it was a good idea to take it?

Hi, thank you.

Unfortunately I don’t have a discord but I’m very happy to chat on here or through email

Well done for completing the babypips course.

Personally, I have much more faith in higher timeframes, 1hr and 4hr. Both for trend analysis and to place a stop loss behind.

I hope this helps to start with :slightly_smiling_face:

I get it. Accepting losses was tough. How do you manage mindset during those tough time?

For me it’s about letting go of the need to be correct. And understanding when a trade stops out, it was still a good decision in the moment the trade was taken.

Good trades stop out due to the nature of the market.

Sometimes I’ll have two or three trades in a row stop out. It’s a case of staying disciplined, not making rash decisions and to simply focus on making what I believe to be good decisions in the moment.

By using a greater risk reward ratio each trade (usually 1.5:1). Half my trades can lose and the account still makes money. So in those losing periods I remind myself that in a couple of weeks time those losses won’t matter.

Great mindset! I’m trying get better by accepting losses too. How you keep your emotions in check after losing in a row?

Overtime I conditioned myself not to think about financial gain.

If you’re chasing money, every loss cuts your soul and causes rash decisions in an attempt to make the money back.

If you can simply focus on making good decisions according to your system and only look forward, forgetting about the past.

Once you’ve had a couple of bad runs but then seen the account back in profit a few weeks later, it becomes easier to accept losing trades.
I’m making it sound easy but its not. On a psychological level, learning to accept losing trades is probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.