For me it’s about letting go of the need to be correct. And understanding when a trade stops out, it was still a good decision in the moment the trade was taken.
Good trades stop out due to the nature of the market.
Sometimes I’ll have two or three trades in a row stop out. It’s a case of staying disciplined, not making rash decisions and to simply focus on making what I believe to be good decisions in the moment.
By using a greater risk reward ratio each trade (usually 1.5:1). Half my trades can lose and the account still makes money. So in those losing periods I remind myself that in a couple of weeks time those losses won’t matter.
Overtime I conditioned myself not to think about financial gain.
If you’re chasing money, every loss cuts your soul and causes rash decisions in an attempt to make the money back.
If you can simply focus on making good decisions according to your system and only look forward, forgetting about the past.
Once you’ve had a couple of bad runs but then seen the account back in profit a few weeks later, it becomes easier to accept losing trades.
I’m making it sound easy but its not. On a psychological level, learning to accept losing trades is probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.