Introducing myself

Good Morning. I am Julia. A freshy in forex. got in here through a friends recommendation to learn through babypips education platform. looking 4ward to learning from everyone


Hi Julia :grinning: welcome on, your friends have right, this is a very good place to learn about forex. Regards Greg

You are in a great place to learn and get the best start into the forex markets.

Best of luck on your journey!

Morning juli. its a great place to become knowledgeable trader very rapidly by learning. just focus on pips school including practice of demo. dont rush at all when time to learn.

learning is good for trading but according to me, despite of having much learning trading can be useless , if you don’t have regular practice.

welcome to baby pips forum. you can start with baby pips school which is the foremost place to become knowledgeable very rapidly by means of learning. so choice is yours.

this forum is really good , its true . but effort you have to spend if you want to bring good knowledge and experience.

Welcome to the forum. What type of trader are you?


I have found the baby pips education is very good. Hope it helps you, and remember to stick with it and be patient through all the ups and downs of forex trading.

Hello Juliana,

Your friend is absolutely right. The information you will get from the BP education is crazy. I am new too and so far I am amazed at the things I have learnt from the school.
You will not regret it. And you will thank your friend in the future with a bottle of Tequila Ley. 925.
I wish you all the best!

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Hi Julia! I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.Good luck and happy learning!