Introducing myself

Hello everyone, Am from the Bahamas and am a newbie. Would like to say am very happy to be apart of this organization that is going to educate and help me grow within the market. I choose forex because I want to make a difference in my life by becoming my own boss and have the opportunity to work anywhere around the world. That is call freedom and that is what I long for. Wish everyone a successful journey.:pray:t5::100:

Welcome :slight_smile: start from the eduaction section and practice Regards Greg


Welcooome Am! :blush: I’ve heard beautiful things about the Bahamas and I hope I could get to visit someday! :smile: Learning forex isn’t going to be an easy task, but I hope you see it through and I wish you success! :blush: Good luuuck!

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Thank you and yes it is. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean to vacay. Wish you all the best as well. Stay safe!:blush:

Welcome to the community @ambitouskid. Good luck on your goals. Hope to hear more from you.