Introducing Myself

Hi My Name is Emely .
I’m From Tulsa , Oklahoma & I’m new to all this! Don’t know a thing . :rofl:
But I hope with babypips , I learn everything I need to know about Forex !
So here we goooooo.


Hi and welcome on BP :slight_smile:

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So we are, your are very welcome :cowboy_hat_face:

Welcome to the community, Emely. BabyPips is the best resource for beginners so you’re in the right place.

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Hi Emelyb25
your are always welcome

Hello and welcome, Emily! You’ll definitely learn a lot from Babypips. Good luck and enjoy!

Welcooome welcome Emely! :blush: I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. :smiley: Are you already reading the course? :smiley: If there’s anything that’s confusing you, we’ll do our best to help out. :sweat_smile: Good luuuck!

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