Introducing myself

My name is Julius from Tanzania.
Today I am in BabyPips as a newbie to explore, study ang gain fully knowledge of forex.
Please assist me.

Welcome Julius! Start with the School of Pipsology. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the community. :blush: See you around and good luck!

Hi Julius, whenever you have any query, you can always post it here. Many experienced traders will be happy to assist.

I am SMA from Asia. Having 2 years of experience. Learning from mistakes after blowing account 10 times. Struggling to do consistent profit. After successful 5 trades, one bad trades wipes all profit. Have faith on abilities and surely shall succeed in coming days for sure.

Welcome to the community! It’s great to have you here. Trading can be tough, but you learn a lot from your experiences.

Looking forward to seeing your progress! Good luck!

Welcome SMA! You’re not alone, many traders encounter similar challenges on this journey. Stay motivated and be patient. Good luck!

Hi Everyone, My name is Olu and I am officially beginning my trading journey here. I have never actively traded by myself but have a few funded accounts being managed by a friend of mine using an EA. I have chosen to learn the A-Z of trading so I can trade for myself, make technically informed decisions and help others do the same once I get better at it.

Welcome, Olu! You’ve come to the right place to start. Feel free to ask any questions and don’t be afraid to share your progress here! Good luck!

Hello! It’s great to have you here @olu_therealdeal! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!