Introducing myself

Hello All,
I’m Plum a 49 y/o husband, father, veteran and entrepreneur in Texas. I’m definitely a beginner when it comes to Forex. I was in the military for a bit so I know about having to exchange money when you’re in another country, but I never thought it was something that an individual could get into. I was watching a Youtube video and learned about Forex from a young guy who had turned his life around with Forex. He become quite successful and he only started with a couple hundred dollars. So I started watching other vids and did some reading and now I’m here to learn more before jumping into trading. Excited to learn about Forex from all of you experts.

welcome start with the babypips school it has very rich materials for newbies

Hello Plum. :blush: Such a cute name! :blush: Haha. :smiley: A lot of people on social media sort of exaggerate their stories to catch people’s interests but as long as you have realistic expectations within a reasonable amount of time, I’d say you’re off to a good start. :blush: Good luuuck. :smiley: