Introducing myself

Hello there I am Kweku a Ghanaian am a newbie and want to learn forex to make money and help others

Welcome here and you can learn from this link: Learn How to Trade the Markets

Give the education section a go then once you have a understanding open a demo account but don’t rush into anything

Hello Kweku. Welcome to the forum. Start learning the fundamentals of Forex trading. There is a lot of information available on this website. You just need to take the time to learn as much as you can. All the best

Hi there! This is a great forum to interact with newbies and experts. Good luck, stay patient and make selective choices!

Hello, welcome to the community. To make money in the market you need knowledge and experience. Babypips is a good place to start learning. Be consistent and focus on developing your skills.

Welcome to the community! Always nice to see new faces around :grin: