Introducing myself

How is it going my name Is Rashad Im a complete noob honestly I don’t even know anything regarding forex I’m trying to open my eyes to different career paths especially at this time we are living in I have been working construction from highschool up till now and I’m starting to get alot of wear and tear on my body and I’m only 27 but don’t go to hard on me where should I start this journey when I’m dedicated to something I go hard at it thank you ahead of time


You have to put in a lot of hard work and time to become a successful trader. But you are already one step ahead as you are determined to exit your comfort zone and quit your actual job. As long as you will remain motivated and focus entirely on the process, the results will come in naturally. It’s just a matter of time.

I suggest you to start with the School of Pipsology. By graduating, you will have a better understanding of how forex works and you will be able to start developing your own strategy / approach.

Good luck!

Hi and welcome… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi :wave: y’all