Introducing myself

Hi, my name is ange; I’m new in Forex. I started being interested in it this month, and I would love to be a professional in Forex; I would love it if you help me learn more about it and become a professional trader.

Ignore social media marketing hype which is mostly fantasy land and focus on process first and foremost. Let any rewards take care of themselves.

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professional trader that you8 want to be , is really a very big deal , need a long time practice with great level of patience.

first finish the basic level as a beginner trader , then think others level. thank you and Good luck

what you think there is any difference between successful and professional trader ?

Welcoooome. :blush: Learning and actually trading forex takes a while. It takes a lot of time, patience, dedication, and so I hope you see it through! :smiley: The journey to becoming a professional trader is definitely not going to be a walk in the park. :sweat_smile: Still, good luuuuuck! :smiley:

to be a professional trader is really a long time issue , need a perfect trading knowledge with long time patience.

Hi Ange, I am glad that you have a clear aim. But bear in mind that you will have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to your learning, practising, and trading. It might take years but if you are serious about your trading career, you will surely be able to achieve your dream of becoming a professional trader one day.

It’s good that you are starting to trade forex. But don’t keep the condition of winning every time. Embrace losses and find out how you can improve your skills.

@angetra write down this. It`s a very solid advice. :+1:

Greetings! Welcome to the storehouse of trading tips and advice =) The best thing you can do is to put a right aim, if you wanna become a professional trader, then perhaps you will become a such one incase you will work hard and follow the general rules in trading.

There are no strict ones of course, but wise approach to Forex trading is the most crucial thing.

Find out more information about risk management and money management. It will be enough for you on your first steps here. Hope that you will digest the information without any problems, because there is nothing difficult in it. Just keep going.