Introducing myself

Good evening all,

Just registered to babypips after coming by the daytrading reddit.

I have recently started several different types of investing and daytrading has always caught my interest, so going to start the intro course.

My name is Rick, 33 years old from the Netherlands in Europe.
After the course i plan to start very small with 100 euro’s and go from there.

Looking forward to learn alot and getting to know you all.

Enjoy your evening!


IMO, the odds favour you’ll join the 85% of newbies who blow their accounts, because they cannot manage the discipline, patience, and emotional control over a small account. Regard your 100 euros as a learning experience. Of course you could trade for cents, but that doesn’t work.

Your best approach is to demo account first for several months, while saving up for a minimum $500 account size when you feel comfortable you could manage it profitably.

Welcome Rick! Remember do not rush into trading with your real money. Focus on getting the required skills and practice on demo. Take your time, be patient and stay motivated as you go through the learning process. Good luck!

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Welcome to the community, Rick. Looking forward to hear more from you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.