Introducing Myself

Hi everyone I am from Aus and have joined babypips to learn about Forex as I am new to the trading market. I have already done well on trading and keen to learn new things to have more opportunities trading. Looking forward to what this has to offer me. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community!

Hey there! How well have you done? What’s your account size? (if that’s not a rude question?) What’s it like trading in Oz? Is it quite volatile cos europe and USA not woken up yet? Or does China tend to keep the money flowing through?

most welcome , happy trading . good luck

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baby pips is really awesome to improve yourself , just enjoy your stay

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Hello and welcome! If you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask. There are lots of friendly people here that would love to help. Good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome! AUS is a great place to live.

Good luck with your trading.

Hello everyone :slight_smile: My name is BabyPeach and I am from Africa. I joined babypips to learn about Forex as I am an hour old to the trading space. I love tech and very excited to learn a new skill. I look forward to interacting with the community :slight_smile:

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Can you back up your statement?

@Kebabs, are you still there?

Hey - I have done very well in a short space of time. I did alot of research before embarking on the journey of trading and it’s great I love it. The challenge is always there. The whole market can be volatile every day, I research before doing any trade. My account size is 18k us. I don’t want to elaborate on anything to do with China. I think trading would be pretty much the same across the world.

Thankyou super excited to join. :slight_smile:

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Thankyou everybody seems very supportive and helpful.

Thankyou AUS is a great place to live. I am doing very well for somebody who is new to trading.