Introducing myself

I’m Camara Abdulahi, I want to learn fx

Hello and welcome! You’ll be able to do that here if you stay for a while :grinning:

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Hello Camara! Check out the School here. It’s the best place to start learning the basics of forex trading. Good luck!

Welcome welcooome. :blush: It won’t be easy but I hope you’re determined to see it through! :smiley: There are lots of free available resources online, and you’re at the best place for beginners so I think you’re already off to a good start! :smiley: Good luuuck!

Hello and welcome! Now that you are here, I am sure that you will have a great learning experience. Read all that you can about trading and don’t get carried away by lucrative deals.

Hey, welcome to babypips! The school of pipsology is a great place to obtain the basic knowledge. You can also browse the internet to read from other websites.

Hi @Camara Abdulahi! Welcome to Babypips :slightly_smiling_face: -

You can start learning forex here-

-Learn How to Trade the Markets