Introducing myself

Hi everyone, my name is David, and I’m just starting to learn about forex from a friend. He recommended me to learn here, and I hope to learn as much as possible in order to become a day trader on the side.

I’m currently a physical therapist assistant so this is way outta my field, but I’m excited about it!

Just focus on the learning aspect and treat it like I imagine you had to with physical therapy when learning. Lots of theory and practice before you ere allowed near actual people lol!

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Very true!! Haha thank you for the advice!

learning is important but without any kind of practice can be useless the result of trading . so we traders always should focus on practice.

as a best part of learning i always prefer demo account even though most of the traders don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all.

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100% practice on a demo account. The desire to go straight to live accounts is driven by nothing other than greed.

Totally agree with the lads above .
Demo is so underrated and a vital tool in any traders tool kit

Hello David, it’s good to have you here. Take your education seriously and you will be able to get through the market challenges quite easily. Just don’t take risks that are beyond your understanding. Firstly, analyse the market and then make your trades.

Hey! Welcome to the community. Start with learning and practise trading on a demo account before trading on the live trading environment.

Hey David, take your lessons seriously because your knowledge is the only tool you have. The sudden market movements would seem tough to understand if you don’t take your knowledge seriously.