Introducing myself

I am Uche, I’m a newbie and I’m ready to learn how to trade in the forex market.

Why Forex?

Because i feel it would give me financial liberation

Hello Uche! Welcome to babypips!

Which country are you from? :slight_smile:

Feelings don’t mean a thing until you have constructed a plan to achieve your aims. Use this great education site to start your long learning journey path strewn with obstacles at every step…

That’s the reality. First develop a profitable method on a demo account, then go live and stick to the process. That’s the beginning of the main obstacle when you are faced with emotional responsess while trading. You will need to learn to remain detached, which is a whole new lifestyle paradigm…

Best of luck.

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Welcome Uche! This is a great place to start learning. Remember that there’s no quick and easy way to make money in forex. Take your time and if you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask the community. Good luck!

Forex is very difficult.

Be prepared for it to take a lot of time, and even then, you may not survive to profitability and long term success.

Never invest with money you can’t treat as if you just set it on fire.

Hello Uche, hope your trading is going good, what can i say to help you in your voyage to financial liberation without going on and on which i could, I have been studying for years and this will never stop. I started just like most looking on-line watching videos, reading everything i could, got a demo account and started to trade win, lose, win, lose its all part of trading, but their is always a good way and a bad way. i have done the bad and now the good but the good comes at a cost. watching reading and trying will come to some good but sometime you will become lost and confused. The first good thing you have done is found babypips. Keep using this web site and do not jump from one place to another as this will confuse your education and thought process. Don’t get mixed up with the scams i.e get rich quick. Join a trading program that offers a real mentor and that helps you set out a proper trading plan that includes strategy, risk management, personal goals, and is their for you on your journey. This is the best advice i can give. It taken me 2 year to save the money to enroll in a course but it is well worth it and could save you years of frustration and may be even giving up or blowing accounts. not saying if you do you will not lose accounts but it will help you quicker as its will be constructed in the correct way that will help you learn and grow as a trader. If you need help or advise i will try and help.
all the best.

Welcome to forex trading! That’s a great goal. Be consistent with your learning. You will achieve it :slight_smile: