Introducing myself

My name is Prince Yeboah. I’m new to forex and looking forward to becoming a pro. i was listening to a podcast heard about this site. hoping to learn and stay here for longer period. thank you

Oooh! :blush: That’s cool! :smiley: I haven’t really listened to podcasts about trading. Which podcast was this? :smiley: Also, welcoooome!

My name is Jordan Johnson. I’m new to forex. I wanted to get in to it for months now. I’m looking forward to becoming a pro so I can influence my friends and family to join.

Welcome Prince! Start with the education section, it’s the best place for newbies. Wishing you luck on your trading journey!

Welcome Jordan! Finally you’ve started your trading journey! How is it going? Hope all is well! Good luck!

Welcome to the community, Prince. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community, Jordan. Start with the education section here if you haven’t checked that out yet. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hi and welcome to you both. Practice and study should be your only focus. You have started school again.

It’s going good actually I’m learning new things I didn’t have a clue of.

calvin the new trader

Hello everyone. My name is Logan and have been desiring to trade forex for some time now. I look forward to learning from some of the best.