Introducing myself

Hello everyone,

I am from the Caribbean and have been studying forex since 2020. I was unable to do it continuously so I let it go for some time. But now I’ve found the interest and proper time to put into this investment. I’m willing to do what I have to in order to succeed and be profitable.

Welcome aboard. So, what is your plan to succeed? This is a serious question, which asks how are you going to learn to develop a trading profitable method together with a fixed process for every trade.

Practising and experimenting on a demo account would be the initial starting point.

That’s the first stage. Come back on this forum for stage two, which deals with handling emotional responses. That is where new traders fail.

Welcome to the community! I hope all goes well for you this time. Good luck and see you around!

Welcome to the community, @circeo. I hope you’re able to continue learning this time around. Good luck on your fx trading journey.