Introducing myself

Hello lovely people, I’m bluekarty

I’m 33 and from the Alix, Canada. I’m not completely new to all of this i started learning forex trading using some unique resources I had from a pro trader. I’m here to learn and share some helpful resources and hopefully start a improve the way for my family and myself to have some extra income. Thank you for accepting me on this amazing platform I’d expect all positive advice. I also hope to be able to connect with the members here, learn and share, and make more money.


Welcome! Always a good thing to find ways to make extra cash, especially during these times. :frowning: Which other markets have you tried trading before forex?

Welcoooome Alix! :blush: Love how you’re determined to share to other members despite being new! :blush: We’ll be cheering for you in this journey, so don’t hesitate to also ask us here if you have any questions. :smiley: Good luuuuck! :smiley: