Introducing myself

im just now starting my trading journey im 18 and realized that school isnt for everyone and I want to be my own boss and make something of myself.

Well, you will find that to be successful you are joining another learning school which will take months if not years to become proficient. There is no short cut and no easy path.

school is very important , but besides school it is more appropriate to trade in a practice account , otherwise any kind of knowledge from school can be useless.

that sis really important to build yourself by self , its a advanced thought activity , have a very good journey on there. good luck

hi and welcome , enjoy your stay , have a very good journey on there.

i think you can start with psychology of school which is the best education section for the traders who are beginners.

this forum is very informative for all kinds of traders , i hope you will be benefited from this trading place.