Introducing Myself

Hey Everyone, my name is Teara from the country of Barbados. I am 22 years old and new to trading, the reason I started is that I want to generate my own source of income and be my own boss. I’ve seen people around me trading and it’s working out nicely for them and I know if I dedicate the time to myself it would do the same for me, so with that being said I talked about it to my boyfriend and he told me about here so here I am about to start my journey and as ready as I can possibly be with

Welcome Teara! Remember there is no quick and easy way to make money in forex trading. It’s going to be a long journey of learning and practice before you become a profitable trader. Good luck!

Hi, yes thank you but what do you consider a profitable trader? I would hope to be doing at least 500$ a day within the first 6 mths after completing this course and that’s enough for me to say I reached a goal I set.