Introducing Myself

Hello all, my name is Vianney and I am new to trading. My goal is to learn how to trade bit by bit and start earning on the long run.

learning is more important . you can start learning from this community , hope , you will be benefited. happy trading

Welcome Vianney! :blush: I think you’re at the perfect place to start. :blush: The school here is free and don’t be shy to ask any questions if there’s anything that’s confusing you! :blush: Good luuuck!

Hello, my name is Simon, and i am looking to quit school, and my job to live the life i want, and i am also very interested in forex, and daytrading:)

Hey Vianney, nice to meet you. Indeed you will achieve your goal with the right knowledge, patience and dedication. All the very best for your journey.

Hi there, wishing you good luck on your journey ahead. Explore the education section on this forum. Knowledge is your only power to earn profit in the market! Good luck!