Introducing self

Hi guys, i’m rachel from portugal. I´m here to learn some more about forex, i have been reading and learning around the internet and bookstores (also making some terrible trading choices on demo accounts) so i´m here to learn a bit more and hoping to make this my serious career choice (who knows)

Hi Rachel,

Welcome to BP trading and Forex ect your learning all the time .Like most things generally ,you get out what you put in

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Welcome to the community, Rachel. It’s ok to make terrible choices on demo. At least you’re not losing money while you’re still in the process of learning. Hope to hear more from you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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thank you very much! hope to hear from more people too!

exactly! putting in the hours and hoping for a fair outcome :slight_smile:

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It’s okay to make mistakes now afterall you’re a beginner. Don’t worry, at least you’re not losing real cash. Evaluate your strategy well and try to find out your mistakes. Read Currency Trading for Dummies by Brian Dolan. It’s an amazing book for beginners.

Hi guys, during my years in college I saw my professor trading forex. At first when i saw charts on his PC i was like what is that. Then he explained forex is and how he is earning from it. I tried for 6 months but failed,… He used to shares his workings… “look the GBP/USD will go up” and it did. I was amazed and used to think he have some kind of sorcery. Anyway I cut short my ambitious curiosity, I started to chase to the guy to learn and I did…

So I like to trade forex, read mysteries and crime, and travel. That was my intro.

Looking for friends to trade together and discuss potential trades setups.

Hi all, am Arafat. I know nothing about Forex. I recently lost my job and i am here to start a career where i can be free. My ultimate goal is to learn, hopefully this will be my career

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Hey newbie, welcome here! Learn from your own experiences because they will tell you about the reality of the market. Reading up about forex will only give you an idea of what it is and how it is done.

Hi Rachel, welcome here. Do share about your demo experience and the choices you have made. It would be great to know how you managed to overcome the issues you faced while demo trading.

Hi there, welcome to the fam! It is completely normal to make terrible choices on a demo account, that is how you practise and learn to sharpen skills. Keep up the trial and error, do not give up. Good luck!

Hey, let me tell you that forex trading is a great career for those who know how to handle risks. So, before you expect to make anything from it, get a little familiar with the real trading risks.

Hi Rachel! It’s good that you’ve been working on demo accounts, even if you aren’t having the progress you’d like. I think this site should be able to help you change that. :grin: