Introducing The Ocelot

As the name suggests I am crepuscular and prefer to trade in the hours of dusk and dawn (EST).

My realistic goal is to educate myself enough to successfully manage a prop account, and make at least enough money that I can fully fund my retirement accounts each year.

My unrealistic goal is an $80,000 day.

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Not gonna lie, I had to google what crepuscular meant! Today I learned!

Which country are you from? I’m guessing US since you used EST?

You got it. US based, but I love to travel.

Welcome, start here!

Love it! What country has been your favorite so far?

Me I still think about Tokyo!

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It’s a toss up between Italy and Germany for the history and food, Ireland for the people, and Peru for the cost of living. Too hard to choose just one!

Are you from Tokyo?

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Germany for food??? When I was there all we ate were sausages, schnitzels, and potatoes!

Ah I haven’t been to either!!! But wow Ireland for its people though! Tell us more!

Haha there’s a bit more than that available, at least in Munich. Steak in bearnaise sauce, amazing roast duck, and a strong showing of classic northern Italian cuisine that was brought there by immigrants. Then there’s the beer haha.

Ireland just had some of the most laid back and fun loving people I’ve met. They have a great ability to not take themselves, or anyone else too seriously. Only ever been to the republic though, never made it to northern Ireland.

I absolutely did not get a taste of this. Will need to return! Also that roast duck sounds delish.

Always a fun trait to have for anyone! We need more people like them. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, @The_Ocelot. How has your trading been so far?

Honestly, still trying to develop a good system. I’m going to need at least a few more months of backtesting and demo.

That’s still progress. There’s no rush in trading anyway. Good luck on your fx trading journey.