Introducing Wildie

I’ll be honest I’m young (can’t say how old don’t know if I’m allowed on here) but I just want to learn and be able to make money and understand these investments

I would say, that if you learn until you’re 18 years of age, you might understand that there is no short cut to success. Try a demo account to practice on.

Hello and welcome! I’ve seen teens like 15yo joining here and introducing themselves. Have you started with the course here? Remember that forex trading is not an easy money. Focus first on learning and getting the required skills to be a profitable trader. Good luck!

Keep grinding. I’m guessing you are under 18, which is great that you have taken an interest in it. But do a lot of reading online, develop a strategy, back test on trading view etc (if you are looking to learn how to trade).

Welcome to the community, @wildie. I don’t think there’s a minimum age requirement here. It’s good that you’re starting young. You have lots of time to learn trading until you turn 18.