Introduction 2.0

Hello! my name is George im from the US and im Back! i used to trade 2 years ago but i blew up my account and lost 1k after that i got discouraged and quit…the problem is im not a quitter so im back im gonna master forex so i can finally have the finacial freedom me and my family deserve.

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Welcome back!

Remember, stick to the 1% risk rule and you will never blow another account.

Good luck!

This is your only focus. Let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

Yup, you’ve got to just keep throwing your brain at it and you’ll get there. We’ve all had set-backs before but the most obsessed of us don’t quit. Keep your account size small till you’ve proven to yourself that your strategy is profitable. Then upscale and hopefully start pulling in the serious money!

Nice to see you back! As a newbie, you should focus on demo trading! On the other hand, don’t forget to share your questions here!