Introduction about me

Hey, I’m Shane Palmer, I’m 21 years old I live in the UK, London. They is no much to know about me just that I’m someone who like trying new think and not afraid to take risk. If anything thought my in my childhood growing up is in life for you to succeed you gotta have a stomach and mindset dreaming big and if you fall get dust off yourself and get up. I’ve been interested in forex since last and I’ve been trying my best to learn and to this day I’m still coz I don’t want to give up that is something I’m really interested in.

Welcome aboard. You will find trading FX is completely different from your lifestyle and education to date. For instance risk needs to be disciplined and patience is key. Open up a demo account to practice and experiment on.

You will need to construct a plan which must include a method or strategy that you find is consistently profitable. You will fail without it. And then, when that’s in place you must always follow the same process. You will fail without it.

And when that’s set up and in your mindset, and you open a live account, you will face emotional challenges that will test what you’re made of.

Aim to accept emotion while detaching yourself from the trade itself. Which is a whole lot of different mindset to your daily attachment lifestyle.

The trading norm is always either profit or losses, and you will need to observe completely unattached to the end result. Only then will you be able to become successful. That could take you years.

Best of luck.

It is indeed interesting, but it can take some time to become consistent and profitable (depends on each person).

My advice would be to grind, educate yourself, open a demo account, become profitable before you even think about going live.

95% of traders fail and lose money, so try and make yourself that 5% that is successful. Good luck.