Introduction about myself

Hi everyone I believe I’m on the right path and I’m happy to be a member of this community

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You are really on the right path.

Good to see, you are also in learning process like me.

Welcome on board! On which path do you tread?

learning is important , no way to ignore but i feel after having good knowledge the result of trading can be useless , if there is no regular level of practice.

this is really a nice community , so many education materials in there , feel free to use , i hope you will be benefited.

yes you have chosen the right place no doubt. this community is really friendly and supportive . hope you will enjoy your stay.

have you finished this psychology of school of this forum? this is really informative way to bring all basic knowledge and experience.

Hello and welcome! I think this site is probably the best thing out there for beginners, so hopefully it will help you get started on the right foot. Good luck out there!

A hearty welcome! Hoping you receive the guidance you need. Cheers!