Introduction are in order

How is everyone doing, my name is Coop. I am pretty fresh as they come. I am a medical courier in the real world, and instead of throwing my money into the lottery like I’ve been doing, I came here to learn a better way to use my resources. I really want to learn so that i may break free from my financial providers. As a owner/operator, I realized the only thing I own and operate is my car, and I don’t necessarily own it, YET. I still have to answer to someone, I still have to say “How High?” when asked to jump. With that said I’m here to learn a better way to be financially independent. Hence the username Atlas_Freed, I want the world off my shoulders, and this very well maybe the way I can truly live life. Enough rambling, hope everyone is having a great day.

Welcome aboard. If you have the time, work hard for many months, and persevere when the going gets tough, you could succeed. There is no short cut.

That is the reality for new traders. Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mainly fantasyland.

First tip: follow the free courses on this great education site and learn how not to lose money, because you will make profits AND losses while trading live. Without capital, you cannot trade.

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most welcome in this community , have a perfect journey in there.

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welcome to this community , hope you will be benefited from there.

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