Introduction for newbie

Hello everyone, I am Charles love. Newbie here, Proudly from the Philippines. I just want to know how forex work and how it may help us. I hope that it will help me since I am a college student whose financially unstable and to pay my own expenses. My dreams is to become a successful woman in the future and have a degree. And lastly is my ultimate goal to have my own house and business.

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welcome! study hard!

I suggest you take it one step a time, because it’s simple but not easy… See if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle. Best of luck.

Welcome Charles! I’m sure you will enjoy and learn so much from all the free materials here. Take your time and good luck on your goals!

Welcome to the community, @Charles_love. It’s not going to be easy. No matter what those social media posts claim. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.