I’m 24 and I went through the Forex school of pipsology; I typed notes in word documents and then went through those notes and wrote 460+ note cards. And then went through those note cards and made 140+ key points note cards. I’ve done position trading in the stock and crypto markets and I have 90k to trade. I’m wondering right now whether I should trade stocks or forex or something else. I know of stories of people like BNF and CIS who made 10s of millions from the stock market by watching billionaire bears youtube documentaries but I don’t know of any stories like that from forex; so any would be appreciated. If I become a regular participant of these forums, then I hope to learn a lot and help the community a lot too. How many members are there on these forums? I couldn’t find a statistic.
And I am from the US. If I do well w/ trading, then I will move somewhere with better tax laws.