Introduction my self and present why i choose forex

Hi im ayoub from Morocco i want to learn forex to become rich

So you have a plan in place? Money does not grow on trees in the FX market.

Welcome ayoub! You’re in the right place to learn but remember that forex is not easy way to make money. Prepare for a long journey of learning and practice. Good luck!

Hello and welcome!
Getting rich is definitely a long-term goal and will take time and practice, but I hope you get there someday! Stick with it :grin:

Welcome to the community, @arrow10. Start with the education section here if you haven’t checked that out yet. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hi, sorry but forex isn’t a way to get rich quickly in the first place. It will take years of learning and practise to make money. Stick with your goal and always keep realistic expectations. Don’t ever trade with the money you can’t afford to lose. Good luck.

Forex is a rewarding career for those who are consistent and patient. You can make money but for that you’ll need a proper education and strategy. Do not think you’ll get rich quickly; success takes time. So prepare yourself with knowledge and practise.