Hello everyone. Today is my first day to the site and this is my first post.
I must start with a big thanks to Lawrence Williams, who recommended babypips.com from his YouTube channel.
I’m from the warm, sunny state of Arizona—most well-adjusted persons would use even more “radiant” and “glowing” adjectives to describe the climate of my home—and have finally achieved my #1 goal of the last 17 years: to pay off my home mortgage and join the debt-free party.
My next goal now focuses on the asset side of my financial equation. Unfortunately, I haven’t been too successful so far. In fact, I obviously know exactly what not to do, as it seems every trade I have tried in the stock market thus far has gone in the exact opposite direction. After a $2K loss from the sinking SDRL fiasco, which wiped out half the money I had saved to start this new adventure and also quickly taught me the hard lesson of “cut losses quickly”, I have spent literally hundreds of hours over the last 6 months trying to seriously investigate how to succeed in the market.
My biggest hurdle has been that I want to be actively engaged and participating in the market, but my schedule sends me out of the house before the stock market opens and brings me home well after its close. A local seminar that I attended briefly introduced forex, futures, and options in addition to stocks, and the presenter specifically suggested that forex would be a better fit for my beginning education because of the operating hours of the forex market and its lower entry threshold.
Anyway, that’s what has brought me to this community—and school, where I have taken my first pre-school quiz. Though I’m a pipsqueak who hasn’t yet learned to tie his shoes, the progression and matriculation scheme of the school is brilliant and has already given me great reward. So, I extend my sincerest thanks!
Lastly, I must say that I am one who loves to laugh and I also enjoy learning. I prefer to learn the easy way, and am very thankful for the effort invested in the school and the light-hearted, playful presentation of “pip” personas and artistic layout of the website. The FX-Men have done a great job from the little I have seen so far. In return, I will do my best to be a star pipil.