Introduction of Knoxdave

My name is Knoxdave am a Nigeria grown base trader
I started trading this year March or so am a student so it’s kind of tough for me yh and I don’t have a mentor who guides me hahaha,funny right I don’t even no how I got to this place tho I am not that profitable I have to skip classes to trade but thanks to myself am growing everyday
But I guess I will learn allot from this web

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Well, although I do not suggest skipping your classes, yet it’s good that you have a goal. stick to your plan and never give up.

Hi Knoxdave

Welcome to the forum.

I would highly recommend that you don’t skip class to trade.

My advice would be to focus on one discipline, you didn’t mention what your studying. But I would focus on either your current studies or change over to trading studies as I’m not sure it’s possible to do both. Learning to trade profitable is extremely difficult and takes most people years of training and practice.

Hello and welcome to the community Knoxdave! You will definitely enjoy and learn from all the free resources here. Good luck on your trading journey!

Hey Knoxdave, it’s great to meet you! It’s okay to not have a mentor, many traders start their journey this way. Good luck and don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have along the way.

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