Introduction of my self about how I got into forex my dream and my hope

Hi I’m Majekobaje Anuoluwapo from Osun state Nigeria I found forex interesting and I love the freedom I see people again from it and been there own boss I don’t like working for people I like to be on my own I join forex when I didn’t know anything about it I enter a grate loss but I never give up on it till now but at the moment I’m ready to learn and achieve my goal and be a good forex trader when I get to know forex and make my goal I will able to spread the news to other people and help change there life too cause I do love help people that my nature forex is bigger than any one of us and I’m looking forward to be a trade soon to able to analyze my own market and be profitable it in

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Unfortunately at a cost . Most of those, around 80%, lose their money. To trade live, you will need to open an account with a broker, and invest your capital into it. A regulated broker will keep your funds seperate from theirs, so it’s up to you to learn how not to lose your capital. Wihout it, you cannot trade.

FX trading is a zero profit and loss venture. Every time you make a trade there is another trader on the planet who trades the opposite to you. There can only be one winner and one loser.

Your aim should be to find yourself on the right side of the trade. How you do this is mostly a couple of years of learning a method that has been tried and tested on a demo account, and is profitable - and then following it all the time.

Accept emotional challenges by learning how to remain detached and thinking in percentage terms NEVER money.

Best of luck.

most welcome in this community , you have fixed a good mindset , have a very good journey from there. happy trading

Always amazed how many new people join every day.

Welcome! Take it slow, only risk what you can lose, realize 90% fail. Be one of the few to last. Read, learn, practice, plan.

ICT "inner circle trader "/SMC “smart money concepts” are scammers stay away from anyone who talks about them.

Learn price action. Ignore indicators.