Introduction of myself to babypips community

Hello Everyone, I am Roshan Yadav. I am from Nepal. I want to learn Forex trading. I wish babypips platform and good members of this babypips community will help in my journey to learn Forex trading.
Thank you!!

Hello and welcome!
This community is extremely helpful and will likely rush to answer any questions you have. I loved this site when I was learning to trade, there’s definitely a lot of information to take advantage of.
Wishing you luck!

Hello! Welcome to the community, Roshan! There are lots of nice people here who would love to help out so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Enjoy learning and good luck with your trading journey.

Yes the babypips platform may be your gateway to consistent profitability ,but you have to put in the work too, and they are a lot of traders in this platform who are willingly sharing their thoughts and knowledge which may benefit you in a lot of ways.

Hi and welcome. Best advice is to set good habits early on. Study and practice at times you Will actually be able to trade. Little things like this will help your mind become accustomed to this being your trading time and being able to focus.

Welcome - you can learn a lot from this site.