Introduction of myself

My Introduction

Hello everyone. My name is

Winston. I am from Papua New Guinea.
I am pleased to have come across this platform and join this community of like minded individuals as yourselves.
I am a young man who is very enthusiastic about forex trading, and I believe I will learn a lot from my interactions with members of this forum.
And I wish each and every one a prosperous journey in your financial endeavors.


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Welcome to the forum Winston

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Hello and welcome ,
In return I wish you success and profitability . I think engaging with people who share their interests and experiences is a good source of knowledge and support traders on their trading journey.

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Hello Winston,
I suggest you start education in Pipsology and reading and searching here coz you can achieve a comprehensive understanding .

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Thank you very much. Your tip is highly appreciated.

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Welcome Winston! Enjoy your stay and we’re looking forward to hearing more about your trading journey!

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Welcome Winston! I’m sure you’ll have a lot of interactions in this community. See you around!

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Hi Winston! I am new here, too, but I ain’t a newbie in Forex. Hope you or any experienced traders would have some good interaction with me from now on. :slight_smile:

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I wish you all the best buddy, enjoy the process :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you man. Likewise.

Welcome to the community, Winston. Yes there really is a lot to learn here. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

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Welcome to the community too, @ShaniaLee. Hope to hear more from you in the future.

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Thank you very much.

You’re welcome. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome ShaniaLee! How long have you been trading?