Introduction of myself

Hello Everyone

My name is Wendel and I’ve recently found an interest for trading in general but mainly forex.

Im currently self employed with a small sized manufacturing company.

Im hoping to increase my knowledge on trading so I can begin living life a little more.

If you are new, start learning the basics here before trading

Thank you, I shall begin with this.

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Welcome to the biggest trading community. To get skilled in trading you need commitment and dedication and it takes time to get skilled. Have patience and keep going.

My name is Denzel Mudyodo

I live in Chinhoyi!

Hello and welcome, you came to the right website. This website education resources are very rich and well organized. You can start your learning from there.

you have chosen the right website , feel free to ask any question you need to know , everyone in this trading platform are very free and they always supportive

This site is the best site for learning trading.

You can visit the educational section of babypips to learn many new things about trading.