Introduction of myself

Hi everyone, My name is Bradley and I’m from South Africa. I’m new to forex and I’m very excited about learning forex with you guys. I am ready to invest my time and commitment on learning how to trade.

Hello, @Bradley_jr and welcome to babypips!

This place is a very good place to start your forex education.

Once you are familiar with the learning material in the education section I suggest you open a demo account to start practice without the risk of losing money and then shift to a real account.

Cya around!

Another route is to skip the middle step (demo account) but I would then suggest to prolong your studies because then you would be in the very small pool with very large sharks that the financial markets are.

Hi Bradley and welcome. Really refreshing to have someone come on and say they are looking forward to investing their time and effort into learning and not about how much money you want to make.