Introduction of myself

Hi I’m nonchalant from northern cape i been reading several books of trading forex and trying to trade even though it was hard so today I decided to join babypips to gain another skills plus i been doing all this without a mentor so i think now it’s time for me to meet some traders to give me a skill the reason why I’m trading forex is i wanna see myself having the ability to feed my family and my relatives

i hope you will bring good knowledge from bay pips forum. just stay cool and never try to gather more knowledge with very short time . thanks in advance

Welcoooome! :blush: I’m not sure you’ll be able to find a mentor here, but a lot of us will be happy to help you out somehow. :blush: If you don’t mind me asking, when you said you’ve been trading, were you on demo or were you live trading? :smiley:

welcome to baby pips. gain from education level of this forum , this is a great source to bring good basic knowledge and experience as a beginner trader.

Welcome to the community! You are in a great place! There are experienced members here who would love to help. Best of luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, @SoA6E86z. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Good luck on your fx trading journey.