Introduction of Myself

Hello, my name is Marco I am a 24 year old computer science major looking to journey into different streams of income and provide myself with another set of skills that I can use to financially free myself within the years to come. I am welcome to tips and ideas I most trade XAUSSAD and am focusing on that. But as a beginner trainer looking for resources and outlets to try and test this new information youve learned has been the hardest part for me. So I am welcome to all information and resources and nice to meet you all!

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How are you getting on with trading Gold Marco and what made you choose that?

hi and welcome to baby pips forum , this community is really nice and friendly , hope you will enjoy this environment.

have a very good trading journey from there . hope you will be knowledgeable trader from there.

most welcome , enjoy your stay.

learning is really important , there is no way to ignore but if there is no regular level of practice any kind of learning approach can be useless.

simple message but effective.

Hi Marco! This is a great site and there’s tons of info here, so I’d recommend sticking around and I’m sure the helpful people here can help. Hope to see you around!

Welcome Macro man! It’s great to follow the wider picture