Introduction of self

Hi Guys! It’s nice to be here! I am actually a newbie to forex! I look forward to learning more from y’all


you have chosen the right place for learning Forex in a proper way. hope you will be knowledgeable.

can you please tell what’s your trading current condition ?

new Forex trader always skip the demo account , this is actually a wrong decision , so do not do that.

Get started by heading to the education section and getting stuck in. Remember to practice and look for what you learn on the charts using Trading View

hi and welcome to this community. good luck

Welcome to the community! It’s always nice to see new people here that are excited to learn. :grin:

Welcome aboard :grinning:
Get cracking on the education tab and use a demo account before opening a live account :+1:

Welcome. There is a wealth of knowledge on here. Go digging!

Hello, welcome to the community! Babypips has everything you need to learn about forex trading, you have come to the right place!