Introduction Original

Hello everyone in the babypips community! I’m Original a beginner forex trader. I started this path because I felt drawn to do it, and I felt like this website can help me with the fundamentals!
Let’s all have a great journey and life.

Hello and welcome to the community! You will definitely enjoy and learn from all the free resources here. Good luck on your trading journey!

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Welcome in BP community :slight_smile:

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Welcoooome! :blush: There’s lots of stuff to learn here and a lot of people who can also help you out if anything’s confusing for you. :blush: So, don’t be shy to ask! :smiley:

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Welcome to the community, @OriginalMeisterz. There’s a lot to learn here. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Hey there, Original! Welcome! We’re all here to learn and grow.

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Thank you so much!